NO! Ordinary LED lights can only be used for lighting, and the effect of making plant lights is very bad. The light used for plant supplementary light needs to be specially set for its spectrum. The growth and development of plants mainly need red light and blue light, and the ratio of red and blue light required by different plants is different.

The lighting principle of LED plant growth lamp

LED plant growth lamp adopts the principle of semiconductor lighting. It is a plant growth auxiliary lamp dedicated to the production of flowers, vegetables, fruits and other plants combined with high-precision technology. Generally, indoor plants and flowers will grow worse and worse with time. The main reason is that In the absence of light irradiation, the irradiation of LED lights suitable for the spectrum required by plants can not only promote their growth, but also prolong the flowering period and improve the quality of flowers. Further applying this high-efficiency light source system to agricultural production such as greenhouses and greenhouses, on the one hand, it can solve the disadvantages of the lack of sunlight that leads to the decline in the taste of greenhouse vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers, and on the other hand, it can also make the solanaceous vegetables in winter greenhouses grow earlier. It will be on the market around the Spring Festival, so as to achieve the purpose of off-season cultivation.

Different plants require different colors of light

The light that plants need for photosynthesis has a wavelength of around 400-720nm. The light of 400 ~ 520nm (blue) and 610 ~ 720nm (red) contribute the most to photosynthesis. The light of 520 ~ 610nm (green) has a low rate of absorption by plant pigments. Therefore, plant lights are basically made into three forms of red and blue combination, all blue, and all red to provide light of two wavelengths of red and blue, covering the wavelength range required for photosynthesis. In terms of visual effects, the combination of red and blue plant lights is pink. In addition to the red and blue light plant fill light, there is also a full-spectrum fill light, which is white and close to natural light. It is a good choice for indoor planting fill light, and it has a fill light effect on vegetables, flowers, and fruits.

Ordinary LED lights contain more blue light and green light, but less red light. Using ordinary LED lights cannot completely supplement the light for plants.