How to use LED grow light fixtures for indoor plants?

Whether you are rare flowers or simply planting herbal medicines and vegetable dining tables, LED planting lights can help you grow kinds of different plants indoors.

Growth in indoor provides you with several advantages compared with outdoor gardening. The most obvious is that you can better control the temperature. Most plants have a narrow temperature range, and flowers or fruits will be produced at these temperatures.

Another factor you can control in the indoor growth environment is the level of humidity. Although some plants like humid and humid air, some plants are prone to diseases in this case. In addition, many meat plants and cactus prefer dry environments, you can provide in the air conditioning space.

However, outdoor gardening has an obvious advantage than indoor gardening, which is the necessary sunshine surplus for many plants to grow up.

Fortunately, the LED grow light can provide all the light required for your plants -effective and cheaply provide the required light.

What are LED grow light fixtures?

LED (light -emitting diode) planting lights provide energy -saving choices for indoor gardening. They are made of two different types of semiconductor systems in the chip, one with negative charge (electron) and the other with positive charge (holes). The two are separated by the “energy gap”.
When the power is applied to the chip, the electrons will be stimulated. When a person falls into one of the holes, it will reorganize, which will produce light of photons. This is the way of working on LED lights.

LED growth lights are specially designed and can emit correct light for plants growing indoors.

Use LED indoor plant lights

However, before you finish and buy some cheap LED bulbs, you need to understand how they work to cultivate plants.

You need to know the LD growth light required for different plant types. According to the species and your horticultural goals, you need to know how many hours of light they need.

Most importantly, you need to understand how the color of LED affects your plants.

Sunshine contains the right spectrum or color of healthy plants. When you see the rainbow created by heavy rain, the light of the sun will be decomposed into various colors. This color range is called a spectrum, and the color you see is a visible color of human eyes.

Measure light according to electromagnetic radiation. The full spectrum also includes non -visible light, such as ultraviolet rays (<400 nanometers) and infrared (> 400nm). It even includes microwave and radio waves.

These colors represent different wavelengths of light -each color in the visible spectrum has different wavelengths from 700 nanometer to 400 nanometers.

What is the best Color Spectrum of plants?

One of the key aspects of plants growing indoor is the color of the light. The color we see at any end of the spectrum -red and blue -to the greatest extent affects the growth of plants. Each color affects your plants in various ways.

Plants have different reactions to different colors of spectrals. In order to make the material more confusing, they need different light, depending on its development stage.

In short, the light growing from the seeds requires different light when it is prepared.

Plants respond to the visible spectrum — between 400 and 700 nanometers – because this range stimulates photosynthesis.

Plants absorb more light in the red and blue spectrum, reflecting more green and yellow light, which accounts for their lush green coloring.

So, any grow light needs to supply adequate light in the red and blue wavelengths.

Red light

The wavelength of red light is longer than other colors. For plants, the most critical is 640 to 680 nanometers.

Red light stimulates the growth of stems and flowers and promotes the generation of fruits. It also helps chlorophyll production.

If the indoor gardener wants the plant to bloom, the light needs to be used in the red belt of the spectrum. Red lights are also necessary for planting vegetables indoors.

Blue light

The light in the blue part of the spectrum is the most critical color of your plant. Blu -ray in the range of 430 to 450 nanometers is the most important. In addition to stimulating photosynthesis, Blu -ray is the best chromatography for nutritional growth and development.
Many indoor gardeners are used in early stages of roots and stems to launch seedlings.

Yellow and green lights

Although it is not so important for blue and red lights, plants do use green and yellow light for photosynthesis.

UV light

Although excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays in short wavelengths is stressful, ultraviolet rays are closer to visible optical spectrum, which usually increases the output of many herbal medicines, such as Sweet Laler and Chinese licorice.

This is particularly important for increasing volatile oils in plants that are designed to make essential oils, such as spears and mint. These volatile oils also make cooking herbs unique in cooking.

Infrared light

Infrared -sometimes called “far red light”, which plays a special role in plant development. Plants use plant pigments to absorb red and infrared light. These light sensors regulate the day and night rhythm and seed germination, sleep and flowering time of the plant.

Some plants are produced by flowering and fruit production, including popular vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Gardening of flowering plants in the indoor, such as African violets and orchids, should find LED lights that produce infrared light.

What is the best light intensity of plants?

You may assume that the stronger your LED growth light, the better your indoor plant. This is just partially correct.

Light intensity is measured as “PAR” -onoshilation of photosynthetic activity. In short, this measurement expresses your growth light emitting the actual amount of light in the plant. This helps to determine which growth light generates light in the correct wavelength of the spectrum to obtain the best results.

You can use a simple Par instrument to determine this. The most important thing is that you can check all areas in the interior garden settings to ensure that the lighting is well distributed.

Therefore, although you may think that intensity is the key factor, what you want to find is the first of the light that you must find. By moving the LED growth light to a farther or farther distance from the plant, the intensity is easy to adjust.

The advantages of using LED grow light

Garden artists use fluorescence, HID and incandescent lamps have been planting plants indoors for many years. However, the latest progress of LED technology has made them the first choice for many indoor gardeners.

They provide obvious advantages for the older lighting system.

First of all, they are very durable and provide for many years of use for small investment. LED planting lights provide 50,000 hours -for about 12 years when operating 12 hours a day. Although the amount of fluorescent tubes can provide a lifetime of 20,000 hours, it can only be used in garden applications only one year later.

LED lights are cool. They emit much less calories than traditional lighting. This means that you can get them closer to the leaves of the plants without worrying about burning.

This also means that the risk of unexpected fires is small, and the demand for ventilation is small. Many people who use artificial light in indoor gardening have found that it can greatly increase the calories of the house. This means that your A/C system and wallet are greater.

Finally, one of the most popular advantages using LED growth lights is that they use much less electricity than other types. According to the US Department of Energy, LED’s energy has decreased by 75 %, which is 25 times longer than incandescent lamps.

Choose the right LED grow light fixtures

Now you are ready to start the indoor garden, and now you choose the correct LED light. You now know that it is essential to provide a large amount of blue light and red light for plants. You also know that white, infrared and ultraviolet rays will also affect your indoor garden production.

Here are some other techniques that allow you to choose the right bbier led grow light to be your indoor plant.